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The Year of Reckoning!

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You cannot get what you’ve never had unless you’re willing to do what you’ve never done.


When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it - always.
- Mahatma Gandhi


The Lion asked the Wizard one time, "When does a slave become a king?"

"When You start acting like one! "

Otherwise You remain a slave all Your life.

 Latest Newsletters 
Wednesday, January 03 2007
Freedom Club USA & BioNews
January 1, 2007 Newsletter

MONDAY and WEDNESDAY CALLS - 9 PM Eastern (404) 920-6610 pin 556010#

in this issue

Debt Free Money

Mayan Calendar

Insite from Matthew 

View Freedom to Fascism

Earth - The Next Fifth World

Quantum Emergetics


Prosperity, September 2000

In December 1921, the American industrialist Henry Ford and the inventor Thomas Edison visited the Muscle Shoals nitrate and water power projects near Florence, Alabama. They used the opportunity to articulate at length upon their alternative money theories, which were published in 2 reports which appeared in The New York Times on December 4, 1921 and December 6, 1921.

Objecting to the fact that the Government planned, as usual, to raise the money by issuing bonds which would be bought by the banking and non-banking sector -- which would then have to be paid back with money raised from taxes, and with interest added -- they proposed instead that the Government simply create the currency it required and spend it into society through this public project.

This is also the Prosperity proposal.

Thomas Edison made it plain in the following excerpt from The New York Times, December 6, 1921 issue ("Ford Sees Wealth In Muscle Shoals"). Here, the reporter is quoting Edison:

"That is to say, under the old way any time we wish to add to the national wealth we are compelled to add to the national debt.

"Now, that is what Henry Ford wants to prevent. He thinks it is stupid, and so do I, that for the loan of $30,000,000 of their own money the people of the United States should be compelled to pay $66,000,000 -- that is what it amounts to, with interest. People who will not turn a shovelful of dirt nor contribute a pound of material will collect more money from the United States than will the people who supply the material and do the work. That is the terrible thing about interest. In all our great bond issues the interest is always greater than the principal. All of the great public works cost more than twice the actual cost, on that account. Under the present system of doing business we simply add 120 to 150 per cent, to the stated cost.

"But here is the point: If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20 per cent, whereas the currency pays nobody but those who directly contribute to Muscle Shoals in some useful way.

" ... if the Government issues currency, it provides itself with enough money to increase the national wealth at Muscles Shoals without disturbing the business of the rest of the country. And in doing this it increases its income without adding a penny to its debt.

"It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30,000,000 in bonds and not $30,000,000 in currency. Both are promises to pay; but one promise fattens the usurer, and the other helps the people. If the currency issued by the Government were no good, then the bonds issued would be no good either. It is a terrible situation when the Government, to increase the national wealth, must go into debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the hands of men who control the fictitious values of gold.

"Look at it another way. If the Government issues bonds, the brokers will sell them. The bonds will be negotiable; they will be considered as gilt edged paper. Why? Because the government is behind them, but who is behind the Government? The people. Therefore it is the people who constitute the basis of Government credit. Why then cannot the people have the benefit of their own gilt-edged credit by receiving non-interest bearing currency on Muscle Shoals, instead of the bankers receiving the benefit of the people's credit in interest-bearing bonds?"


Please print out, photocopy and distribute these articles. Also copy and paste them to emails, and circulate widely, and please include all the essential contact information below. Thank you.

Essential Further Reading:
PROSPERITY: Freedom from Debt Slavery
is a 4-page quarterly Journal which campaigns for publicly-created debt-free money. PROSPERITY is edited and published by Alistair McConnachie and a 4-issue subscription is available for £10 payable to PROSPERITY at 268 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, G2 4JR. Tel: 0141 332 2214; Fax: 0141 353 6900, Email: contactus AT ProsperityUK DOT com All back-issues are still available. The 40-page Report, Clarifying our Money Reform Proposals, launched at the 2006 Bromsgrove Conference, is available for £10 payable to PROSPERITY and is essential reading for beginners.

The Grip of Death: A study of modern money, debt slavery and destructive economics by Michael Rowbotham, [Jon Carpenter Publishing, 1998] and Goodbye America! Globalisation, debt and the dollar empire by Michael Rowbotham, [Jon Carpenter Publishing, 2000] and Creating New Money: A monetary reform for the information age by Joseph Huber and James Robertson [New Economics Foundation, 2000] are all available from PROSPERITY.

  • FCUSA Update

Happy New Year!

In observance of New Years day, there is no Monday call this week.  Join us Jan 8 for our next Monday call.

This new year is a tremendous year for positive change and growth.  In the terms of the Mayan Calendar, we are in the 5th day, the most powerful time in this cycle.

Reflecting back on 2006, it was a re-defining year for the club.  We left behind all remnants of attacking or even using the commercial system and instead have adopted our current GL program. 

It has been a tremendous breakthrough for us to enter the world of UCC and the electronic financial world.  With it comes not only financial freedom but personal freedoms.  It is rare to find intelligence, integrity and financial prosperity sharing the same mission, but this is what we have brought together for all our members for 2007.

As we complete the final steps in this process, we have invited our founder, Tom, to join us on this week's member call and bring us up to date.  If you are a Member, please join us for this week's call.


You will notice we have revamped our website at to make it MUCH easier to navigate.  You now will only need to peruse the QUICK START (default) page to learn all about the club's opportunities.

In fact, all the basics to get started can be found on the first three tabs:




Everything else is there only for your extended interest. 

Just a reminder, we have changed our Monday call format to a Q & A format.  We expect you have already listened to the taped intro call before coming to this live call.  If not, this would be a great time.

To access the Intro Call, you will need to enter a user name and passkey "dollars".

We are in for a powerful awakening time throughout 2007, the most powerful time for change in this cycle.  Simply allow the changes to occur within yourselves.  You can also benefit greatly by joining us with our new technology "Quantum Energetics".  Learn more on Wed nite's calls each week.  This will help you get grounded and awaken to higher possibilities.  Pains and ailments are disappearing as well as old negative beliefs allowing peace, love, health and prosperity to emerge.


1) Become a member.
2) Complete Strawman UCC/GL.
3) Submit an AR process.
4) Complete the AR process.
5) Submit the Bank UCC/GL.
6) Submit assignment and AR completed documents.
7) Get paid per your agreement.

Your assignment is ONLY for processing of your AR. There is no other authority you will give FCUSA besides the processing of your ARs. To complete this, we must also be in possession of your original AR documents and your Strawman and Bank UCC/GL forms. 

Funding is sent to the FCUSA Foundation for disbursement to your Foundation.  This is done for privacy and efficiency.  Once you have your distribution in your foundation, you may convert to Euro's,  move some, none, or all of your funds anywhere you choose.

Members are further advised of Structuring and Asset Protection during weekly MEMBER CALLS (taped) given by experts in their fields.  These are archived and available 24/7 on the member page.


We have moved the MEMBER'S STATUS to the Member's Page.   Members, please check there for updates.  The regular STATUS page will continue for non-members.

Important: FCUSA cannot answer questions on open calls regarding Status beyond what is posted on the site. Also, please do not press your consultants for more information. 
We will bring members up to date on a special member's call this week.

Freedom Club USA is here to guide each of our members to an abundant life and attract financial, health, emotional and spiritual freedoms - enough to be able to give freely and help others.

Weekly Motivator

Life's most urgent question is:
what are you doing for others?

~Martin Luther King, Jr.~

Self-trust is the first secret of success.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Healing the Polarization



  An attitude of gratitude ALLOWS the manifestation of your greatest dreams.  We cannot force success in any endeavor.  We can only awaken ourselves to possibilities, release the blocks in our pathway and provide for the highest probability of success.  It's a law of the Universe.
Quantum Energetics


Living in Solution


As a long time trainer, leader and personal coach, I have often found my clients living in their problem and not working toward a solution.  When you live in the problem  you cannot create a solution.  Your own history and reflecting on it, with awareness and not obsession (worry) and learning the lesson may be what you need to get into the solution.



In reflecting on the Mission of Freedom Club, we have realized there is an historical "problem" with the money systems, credit systems, and so forth in the world, and has been for many years. By presenting the history we want to wake people up to the truth, and yet let it be a learning lesson.  Not right, not wrong, just lessons in history.  We present many ways to learn this information?don't take it personally~



Many of us are in financial distress. Some of us want to get "even".  Some are downright angry. All of these emotions are real, and at the same time can stand in our way. (Watch "The Secret" for education here).  Truth?many of us are in financial distress, hurting, afraid, and in a variety of other emotions. Some are stuck, some are moving on.  If you are stuck (or even moving on), check out the Wednesday night calls.  There is a solution, or maybe more than one.



Now we come to the Mission of Freedom Club.  Take the lessons, understand where you are, move to the emotion and come into solutions.  Look at the programs from Freedom Club to equalize the past debt Try the programs for emotional freedom and abundance.  Learn from what the past has taught without emotion.  Free yourself from what you perceive is holding you back, put on your wings and FLY!


Coach Judi

It appears many of our members and prospects are "waiting" for funding, yet time waits for no man.  This create a reality in the mind that you do not have it and you reinforce "lack" rather than "prosperity".  The trick is to live in the reality of prosperity, experiencing it (making believe) every day as though you already have it and don't need more.  Then be as in peace with current circumstances as you possibly can.  Couple that with gratitude for everything in your life, find a way to think positively and gratefully while "allowing" all to come to you.  This will bring prosperity to your mind faster than anything else.  Reality always follows the mind.
What can you do to promote world peace?
 Go home and love your family.
Mother Teresa

GP Status

GP Update

Our GP program has REOPENED for the following credit cards: CHASE, CITIBANK, MBNA AND BOA and now MANY others.  As a member, you may now enter any listed online.


If you are interested in maximizing money and cash return for credit card fraud, the GP program is NOT for you, Our AR Prosperity Education Programs, are where we are looking forward to vast returns for the conversion and fraud perpetrated against you.


The GP program IS the way to inform the Federal Trade Commission in bundles of 40 accounts/account holders per complaint that we are FED UP with the theft of our financial security and peace of mind.

Full Story...


1) Complete the GP agreement (one time) 
Make payment for each card and credit reports
3) Input your data ONLINE

How to Help Friends

When someone asks you about the club, it is always a good idea to send them to the site to sign-up for the newsletter to stay in touch on the latest information.  You will find this a lot easier than trying to explain it yourself. They can then join in on the Monday calls.

How to Help Yourself
to $200

Be a Referrer. Did you know, as a FCUSA member, you can earn $200 for each person you send to us who enrolls in any of our full pay educational programs?  This is called a referral.  Your consultant can set you up as a Referrer very easily.  This is also a great way to learn and potentially move up to a full consultant position within FCUSA

Monday & Wednesday Recordings

We have moved our Monday and Wednesday recorded calls to a new page on the site along with archived Newsletters.

Remember to use the same passkey to enter the Monday calls page and the "Latest Newsletters" page. 

passkey: dollars

Taped calls are usually on the site the next day.  You can "freely" use the web option to hear the call at your convenience 24/7.  

For new subscribers ONLY, SUBSCRIBE HERE.  If you are receiving this newsletter, please do NOT subscribe again.  Refer your questions to your consultant.

  • FCUSA Quick Reference

Mastery Systems  Becoming Master of Oneself
Matthew Update  Good news for planet Earth
2012 The Odyssey  The end?  Or the beginning?
Earth's Destiny  Mother Earth is in transition for the big shift - are you?
A World of 100 People  What would our World be like with only 100.
Action News  Current activities needing attention.
Free Speech TV  Excellent programs
Light Language - Download it free
TeleClear Prosperity  Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual


Financial Freedom  Learn the law of the circle.
Norfed  Honest currency
Benevolence  Have you voted for your favorite?


We the People   Government's Position is Monarchic
World Can't Wait  Oct 5th Event
Franklin Cover-up  Conspiracy of Silence


Manifesting Heaven on Earth

Matthew  October 17; Ecoli no scare; US political scene; reptilians; purpose of SDI; dementia, ADHD, Middle East

Matthew Books  Channeled messages from Matthew

Time to Save Your Supplements - Again
Send easy online notice to congress.
ASPARTAME Best Ant Killer in the World.:
Natural Diabetes Treatments  FDA, FTC have joined forces to remove natural diabetes treatments from the web using campaign of "threat letters," says health advocate:

The Birds and the Bees  Declining pollinator populations threaten future crops, ecosystems:

Colloidal Silver  Colloidal silver antibacterial liquid sprayed on Hong Kong subways as public health measure:

New TB Strain  New deadly TB strain - WHO warns nations to prepare.
Speech of the Unknown  Moving speech prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Laus Deo  Learn the real history of the Washington Monument.


Promise Yourself  Optimist Creed
Wisdom  Suggested readings

The Secret   Powerful life changing film.
Heart Flow Love  Wonderful and easy process for everyone to use and share.
Return to Light  info. 

TeleClear Prosperity  Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual

Skidboot - Amazing soul connection between man & dog


Border Update   Private Fence Building Begins as Pres signs toothless bill.  Watch Video

CALL your members of Congress tollfree
 888-355-3588 or 800-828-0498

Confessions of an Economic Hitman  International scope.
Alex Jones - Terror Storm  Alex hosts another eye opener.

Health Tips with Humor  Water on planes, etc.
Privacy News  What is the goal of terror threats?

Privacy World - 1984  Pros and cons on technology


Monday Recorded Calls  Listen to missed calls.
passkey: dollars
Wednesday Prosperity Calls  Listen to missed calls.

IRS Tips  Members Only

Bill Bensen Update  16th & 17th Amendments

Len Horowitz  Fitting it all together

Passport Info  On Jan 8, 2007 a passport will be required.

Monday Recorded Calls  Listen to missed calls.
Wednesday Prosperity Calls  Listen to missed calls.

  • Mayan Calendar

    October 28, 2011
  • Listen to Audio

    We've spent the previous two weeks explaining the critical importance of the prophetic Mayan Calendar.  Click on the Calendar link above and listen to the discussion.  It will affect every human and animal on our planet immensely over the next 5 years.
    There were many ancient Mayan calendars, however, the one we speak about today is the one that has accurately prophesized events since the beginning of this Universe 16.4 billion years ago.  Not a bad track record.

    Universe's inception to present and future:

                    9 Universal - begins 2/10/11
                  8 Galactic - began 1/5/99
                7 Planetary - began 1755
              6 National - began 3115 BC
            5 Regional - began 38,000 BC
          4 Tribal - began 800,000 BC
        3 Familial - began 160,000,000 BC
      2 Mammilian - began 820 million BC
    1 Cellular - began 16.4 billion BC

    Learn more:
  • Fascinating video

    "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness"
    Dr. Carl Calleman

    Get the book.

    More suggested reading...
  • Insight from Matthew

  • True NESARA explanation; soul-to-consciousness communication; developing discernment; soul contracts, primary missions; dreams; animal souls; current world update; Christmastime's highly mixed emotions

    NESARA has been relentlessly besieged by intentionally false information, misleading information, and widespread misunderstanding.  It is infinitely more than is thought by most who believe in it, and correctly understanding this joint endeavor between light workers on and off-planet is vital for every soul residing there!  NESARA is nothing less than ALL the changes that have been underway for more than six decades as the light has been exposing the ages of hidden darkness so Earth can be healed and restored to her Eden self.  You chose to embody there now to participate in this unprecedented process?the physical and spiritual ascension of your homeland planet and your SELVES! This is why it is essential that you consciously know what you know at soul level: What is transpiring is not to further the materialistic third density?it is soul evolution into the fifth density!

    Animals are more energy sensitive than the vast majority of humankind and one or more of their "five senses" is keener; they are multidimensional?that is, they know that they can go back and forth between the physical and spirit worlds and that there is no such thing as "death"; they can communicate telepathically, and they see and often frolic with the myriad Devic kingdom souls, about whom most people know little or nothing.  Like humans, animals evolve into higher life forms, and species-wide, the cetacean family of whales and dolphins, both intellectually and spiritually, are the most highly evolved souls on the planet.  Some animals, particularly those with close human contact, are aspects of human souls that chose to experience in that form; usually this is to enhance the bonding spirit between all animals and the person.

    US President Bush is not solely responsible for the violence in the Mideast, he is following orders that he agrees are right; rather than focusing on due punishment for him and his controllers and others of like mind, please send them light and focus on men and women with wisdom and leadership capabilities in those same high positions.  By Creator's decree, there will be NO nuclear war.  Our space family surrounding your homeland planet and assisting with light beaming and technology will not land en masse until they are assured of safety for everyone, and that moment is not at hand.  Renewable energy developments that have been suppressed will emerge and ET technology will be introduced to help restore Earth's health and overall well being in an astoundingly short time, and what is perceived as "global warming" is her own natural part of that restoration.


  • Freedom to Fascism - View Movie
    Dear Lovers of Liberty, the struggle is just beginning! Get ready...
    • Are you aware by May of 2008 the law will require you to carry a national identification card?
    • Are you aware that there are plans being developed to have all Americans embedded with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) computer chip under their skin so they can be tracked wherever they go?
    • Are you aware the Supreme Court has ruled that the government has no authority to impose a direct unapportioned tax on the labor of the American people, and the 16th Amendment does not give the government that power?
    • Are you aware that computer voting machines can be rigged and there is no way to ensure that your vote is counted?
    Aaron Russo's has released the opening of "America: Freedom to Fascism" to theaters around the country.  

    Tell your friends, family and co-workers - Everyone must see this film! 
  • Can't find a theater, watch it here NOW.  Then see it again in the theaters where shown and support Aaron and America.


  • Earth - The Next Fifth World 
    We appear to be witnessing the dissolving of our American and European borders at unprecedented rates.  We are seeing blatant ignoring of immigration laws and the dissolution of America's industrial base to third world countries.  Borders are falling in the Middle East.  So what is happening at this craziest time in history?
    Does this mean the united States will dissolve into a North American Union just as Europe did?  Will the distinction of Canada, US and Mexico become a blur?  Is this all the plan of the Illuminati with our worldwide politicians being the pawns to carry out their plans?  Or is there a bigger energy directing this activity... and if so, is it positive or negative?
    Yes, there are dark energies who would like to claim their one world order over the planet. However, are they simply part of the grand plan for Earth becoming a borderless world?  If the Illuminati are just the pawns then what is guiding these changes.
    Each entity on this planet has it's purpose even when we may not yet understand what it is.  For example, it appears we would be better off if all the lowly bacteria were exterminated.  No more moldy food, less sickness and just a safer planet... or would it be?
    Without bacteria in our intestinal tract, we could not digest our food properly.  When an animal, plant, person or waste dies, how would it's remains decompose without bacteria? 
    Let's take this example back to the political world.  As we progress thru the Mayan Calendar, we discover cycles:  creation, nurturing, growth, productivity, maturing, reseeding, destruction and preparation for the next cycle.  This is the 7 day and 6 night cycle we see thru 9 levels of Universal Creation.  We are now just beginning the 5th day of the 8th cycle.  This is the period of great awakening.  We saw fire, culture, Jesus, Einstein in prior cycles of 5th days and will see Free Energy coming in this cycle).  
    The 5th night follows and is the period of destruction of the previous cycle.  We have been in cycle 7 (Power) for over 100 years and cycle 8 brings Ethics.  When you lay Ethics over Power, great things can happen.  However, for the moment it appears the negative Power still in control will overtake us.  However, during 2007 with the awakening of Ethics and the application of Ethics over Power in 2008, incredible positive changes will happen world wide.
    Yes, it is likely the borders of the world will dissolve rapidly and we will quickly move to redistribute resources more equitably worldwide.  However, with the inclusion of Ethics, we will see the old power structures crumble in Governments, Big Business and even Religions.  As we awaken on an individual basis, we will assume our innate power and make ethical choices in leaders for all these areas.
    What will follow will be very rapid technological growth for clean free energy.  The time period from conception to manifestation will shorten dramatically.  We will see more change in the next 5 years as we have seen in the last 5000 years combined.
    Where we are going is to a higher resonance energy, I am calling the 5th world or 5th dimension.  The final step is the addition of Intuition and Co-creation which begins in 2011.  By Oct 28, 2011, we won't need borders, languages or materialism because we will be creating all our needs (food, shelter, travel) by intent and communicate with language thru intuition.  We will finally awaken to the truth, we are all one.
    Are you ready?
    Rev. Tom

  • QUANTUM Energetics

    Recently we introduced a new process to our Wednesday night calls, Quantum Energetics.  Most of us are still trying to get our arms around this and make sense of it.  You won't nor will I.  We are reaching a period where our left (logical) brain has exceeded it's ability to process the ever increasing streams of light energy coming to Earth. 

    We've simply maxed out our capacity.  We, however, are still absorbing the massive amount of information coming thru our right (emotional) brain at a subconscious level.  Since it is subconscious, we can "feel" something happening but we cannot process it and make sense of it as before.

    Welcome to "crazy land" where we are all losing our minds.  Indeed, we are shifting to the non-quantifiable intuitive part of our being and it may feel quite uncomfortable and ungrounded or just weird.  What we are doing in Quantum Energetics of awakening you to your higher self where your intuitive, much more intuitive self can play and create for you.  As part of our transition to Oct 28, 2011 and beyond, this will be our normal way of processing.  So, it's better to learn now with training wheels than trying to learn how to ride this new bike at the last minute without any help.

    What is possible with Quantum Energetics

    People report rapid healing of emotional, physical and spiritual trauma.  Rapid manifestation of goals.  Time warps. 

    These are a few of the "happenings" we are seeing using Quantum Energetics.


    Would you like to know how the Universe works.

    Join us for this interesting topic this Wednesday.
    Also learn about using Quantum Energetics to improve all aspects of your life.  Q & A will follow.

    You can listen to taped Wednesday calls here.

    WEDNESDAY at 9 PM Eastern
    404-920-6610 pin 556010#

    TeleClear Program

    We have now made our previous TeleClear Empowerment Program available on our website available 24/7.  Simply utilize the login and passkey emailed to you as a Quantum Energetics member to access the TeleClear programs FREE as part of your membership.


    1) Learn more here.
    2) Sign-up here
    3) Access here

    Should you choose to take advantage of the new WEB TeleClear program and are not yet a Quantum Energetics member, you may subscribe to this new program for $19.95/mo. It is available 24 hours daily.  You will experience the identical process as we have used during the live sessions.  Simply go to this link to SUBSCRIBE using the order form. Look for Prosperity Monthly Web $19.95.  If you decide to join the Quantum Energetics program, this is offered to you free.

    You can join us for the LIVE Quantum Energetics process each THURSDAY by contacting your consultant or signing up here.  There are NO upfront fees with a membership with FCUSA, payment can be deferred until your payout.

    MONDAY FCUSA open call
    WEDNESDAY Quantum Energetics Prosperity call
    9 PM Eastern 404-920-6610 pin 556010#


    Quick Links

    Posted by: fc AT 02:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
    The Truth Shall Set You Free

    Freedom Club USA


    All material on this site is protected under the copyright laws of the United States for the express protection of their creators.

    ©  Copyright 2004-2024 Freedom Foundation USA, LLC
    All rights reserved.
