The Admiralty Court Exists Because
the U.S. is Under Martial law

This Awareness* wishes briefly to remind entities that the admiralty court is the court in which the gold braid goes around the American Flag which indicates the court is under martial law, or under admiralty law, from the martial law since Abraham Lincoln's executive order putting it under martial law, and in order to continue staying under martial law, the country has to have some kind of war every two years. Thus, the war on drugs, the war on poverty, et cetera, and the admiralty laws are used in the courts in such a way that they are not necessarily tied to the Constitution, although the Constitution is said to be the law of the land.
Did you know the U.S. has a Military and a Civil Flag?
This Awareness indicates that when Lincoln was assassinated, no one thought to put an end to this declaration of martial law because of the Civil War and because the martial law has continued up to this time, from the time of the Civil War, the nation can be directed by what is called Admiralty Law or martial law by simply a command of the President or the authority of the land or his agents.
It is not even required by Admiralty Law that Congress conduct proceedings to make laws. The Admiralty Law can provide statutes, which are called statutory laws, while the country is under Admiralty or martial law, but the Admiralty or martial law must come to an end eventually, in which it much either end or be reinstated. Thus, entities will find a new effort to create martial law in this country again. It may be martial law against what is termed a crime wave, even though crime has decreased two years in a row and has not increased much in the past several years.
"A country cannot be both ignorant and free..."
Thomas Jefferson
US Under Martial Law - War and The Emergency Powers
For example, they may find that a crisis lets them circumvent rules or laws that are protected by Constitutional principles so that they break the Constitution by following procedures in the activity of a disguise of helping out in a crisis. The emergency acts often set aside laws and once a law is set aside for an emergency, it may be left sitting aside.
For example, Abraham Lincoln declared martial law during the Civil War. Martial law has not been lifted yet from his declaration of martial law, over a hundred years ago. This Awareness indicates that any time entities in power want to do something that is illegal under the Constitution, they go simply ahead with it under the principle of the martial law declared by Lincoln. That is how the Executive Orders are presented. They are Executive Orders based on martial law that has not been lifted. This is also referred to as admiralty law.
Thus you have, in one period, a war on poverty. A few years later you have a war on drugs. And there are more and more of these wars occurring every two years. Otherwise, Martial Law would have to be canceled and you would be back under the Constitution, and your freedoms could be restored. You could then plead Constitutional Rights in courts of law. However, at present, the courts of law are following Admiralty Law, and therefore, if you plead Constitutional Rights in court, you are not likely to get anywhere.
Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. In fact, there are now in effect four presidentially-proclaimed states of national emergency: In addition to the national emergency declared by President Roosevelt in 1933, there are also the national emergency proclaimed by President Truman on December 16, 1950, during the Korean conflict, and the states of national emergency declared by President Nixon on March 23, 1970, and August 15, 1971.
Ooooops....and here comes for your entertainment "A Letter to the Sheeple"
Thus Constitutional Rights only count when you get up into the Supreme Court, for there is a tendency to continue to use the Constitutional law in the Supreme Court because they do not want the people to know that the Constitution has been superseded by Admiralty Law. This Awareness indicates that therefore, the Supreme Court will often rule if there is a constitutional discrepancy, so that the lower laws are supposed to follow the Constitution, and yet, entering into a court of law, arguing with the Constitution, seldom is beneficial to an entity because they will say the entity is in the wrong jurisdiction in this court.
They do not recognize your Constitutional Law in the jurisdiction of an Admiralty setting or court, and therefore, they will rule against you, This is the purpose of lawyers. They are clearly aware of their role in the Admiralty court, because you are not in the right jurisdiction for such.
American Patriot Friends Network:
The admiralty law, like any military law, has its own set of rules. This Awareness indicates it is also likened unto a corporation, which has its rules or laws, and when the laws of a corporation affect an entity in a way that is contrary to his or her Constitutional laws, then the entity can sue the corporation and rely on the Constitution, but this is often ignored by the corporations and most entities do not have the funds necessary to follow through to sue a corporation in order to have the Constitutional rights adjudicated.
The Federal Government in D.C. a Corporation from England
This Awareness indicates that likewise, the corporation that is the Federal government in Washington D.C., which was incorporated in the last century in London, England, which the Freeman have pointed out has its rules; these are the Federal statutes and so forth; and these too are designed for certain purposes but are required to follow the Constitution and if entities feel their Constitutional Rights have been violated by a Federal statute, they have the option of suing the Federal government and the statute for a constitutional ruling in the Supreme Court.
This Awareness indicates however, the ability to follow a case through the Supreme Court to test a Federal statute is not always easy, nor is it inexpensive. It is very costly, and very difficult and may take years. This Awareness indicates that for these reasons, the Federal statutes are extremely difficult for entities to overrun, and by carrying on the martial law in this country and using the Federal statutes as law, the Constitution becomes less and less effective, because it becomes more and more expensive to use, and therefore, gradually, over periods of time, more and more statutes and more and more corporate rules had their effect over the masses to the point where entities begin to feel that they do not have any rights, and whereby even judges in courts of law dismiss and refuse to allow constitutional points of law to occur in their courts.
The Judicial System is Really to Protect the D.C. Corporation
Why should they allow constitutional points of law in their courts when they are actually military courts? This Awareness indicates that most entities think the judicial system is there to protect the rights of entities according to the Constitution, the law of the land, the Bill of Rights and so forth, but they are really there to keep order in society and to protect those who have the power and the money and to assure that no one disturbs the infrastructure of the corporation being promoted from London or the state rules and those that are promoted by the courts as military organizations.
Courts Are Above The Constitution?
Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security
The Press Works for those Who Promote the New World Order
This Awareness indicates the press of course works for the people who bring you the New World Order, who bring you the means by which this country will eventually be enslaved, and the press ins not going to promote clear and honest reporting on these kind of of issues. There are things from the Internet, that give some clear reporting. This Awareness indicates that in general, however, most people will only receive what the world planners want them to know, and therefore, they are not likely to get the full story.
A stroke of a Pen Could Create Martial Law
(Revelations of Awareness 94-5)
This Awareness indicates that this could occur at the stroke of a pen when the Constitution is discarded under martial law, which could occur any day that it is decided. This Awareness indicates that as soon as the people are disarmed, the martial law that has been in existence in this country since Lincoln will be publicly exposed and people will realize they no longer can use Constitutional claims, freedom, rights, and so forth, as a defense, and that they have no right to bear arms, they have no right to congregate, they have no freedom of speech, they have no rights in the courts of law to a fair trial by their peers.
They have no rights to prevent their homes from being searched. This Awareness indicates that the major block to martial law being announced is that there are some 70 million gun owners. Many of these entities being upright citizens and business people who do not consider it the business of government to enter in their homes, to take their weapons, and therefore, they are a danger to anyone who would violate the rights as given by the Constitution.
In other words the Federal government does not want the people to know yet they are under martial law, or that they are not protected by the Constitution for fear that if they were to discover this, it could start a civil war directed at the Federal government from this army of 70 million people, for there are only 3 million armed people in the military and police force in this country at this time.
"Government" working for the Rothschilds
(Revelations of Awareness 94-8)
This Awareness indicates that in a country where freedom of speech and other freedoms are allowed, entities have been killed for expressing or pursuing those freedoms. It is because this country is out of control in terms of the type of government, and who the government really is working for, because this government has not been working for the people for some time.
It has been working for the Rothschilds and other international bankers in their effort to create a New World Government, run by the United Nations, which is a Rothschild organization, which is an international banking organization. It is basically owned by the international bankers, established by them, set up by them, and influenced and basically controlled by them..
On Timarchy and the Usurper's Machineries
This Awareness indicates that it is time for the people to reclaim their inalienable rights that were given to them by the Divine, and handed to them through laws of the United States Constitution, the Magna Carta, and other documents from antiquity and historical situations wherein mankind fought, suffered, and died to win these freedoms.
Government's "Crime Prevention"-
just another new way to confiscate the guns from U.S. citizens
This Awareness indicates in other words, the government has gotten into Crime prevention, by making the planning or the attempt to cause a crime a crime in itself. This Awareness indicates that this is also part of the reasoning behind the anti-gun movement, in which government sees that anyone having a gun, wherein the Constitution gives entities the right to bear arms, the government is saying:
"If we take away the guns, they cannot commit the crime, thus it is Crime Prevention. If we make it a crime to have the guns, then we make it a crime in a way that prevents crime from occurring."
Thus, getting into Crime Prevention may go against the Constitution of the United states, but it would be to the benefit of the New World Order to be able to call any kind of potential violence a crime. They could even go further and restrict knives or bows and arrows, but this is not likely to occur. The ownership of bows and arrows however might eventually become a crime, because generally bows and arrows would be considered potentially violent in their use.
This Awareness indicates in other words, by creating a set of laws to prevent an entity from having the ability to commit a crime, is making it so that entities do not have to take responsibility for themselves. They only obey and are taken care of by the government and its laws. The Constitution put the burden on the individual to be a good citizen, whereas the New World Order is putting the burden on the individual to give up freedoms and to obey the government and its statutes and laws that do not guarantee freedoms.
This Awareness indicates the Constitution was concerned about the judgments and laws of King George and of government itself, and made it such that the people were in charge of the government. The Constitution was there to serve the people against an unruly tyrannical government to ensure that the government would never be able to set up a totalitarian control over the masses.
This has more or less neutralized, negated, and made obsolete, though they still pretend the Constitution has power. The agencies, particularly the Justice Branch of government and the executive Branch have total control over the people at this time. If a case is brought to a courthouse anywhere in the United States, and an entity attempts to use the Constitution as the arguments for protection, they will get nowhere in the effort, because the courts are not operating under the Constitution. They are operating under martial law, and as continued to the present.
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